Photographer. Wife. Mom. Friend.
That’s my story. I can’t wait to capture yours.
Everyone has a story. Every piece of our lives shape who we are or reveals where we’ve been. Photography, in a sense, is one of the best ways to capture and share that story throughout the generations. Last week my husband and I, along with his parents, were looking through old photographs…when time and people were different. We saw the joy of family and the sorrow of hard times. We laughed about the ridiculous pants my father in law wore as a teenager and we listened to a lot of really great stories. It’s amazing that a stack of three inch, faded, square pictures brought on that moment. What a powerful way to remember and enjoy a history of stories.
My passion is to capture and portray people in every part of their lives. Whether as a teenager with big dreams- ready to conquer the world, a bride who has longed for the wedding of her dreams or a young family navigating life with their sweet little ones.
So many pieces of our lives go undocumented. It is such a joy to be able to meet people in all of their different stories and make sure it doesn’t pass by without capturing at least a small part of it. With the hustle and bustle of life how easily things slip from our minds. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are so many creative, timeless and beautiful ways to display our life stories. This is the heart behind why I love what I do. The reason behind why I strive to create pieces of art, worthy to be remembered through the ages.
Pictured below are some of my favorite stories I’ve documented so far. Beautiful Love. Passionate dreams. Indescribable Joy. Real life. All of what make us who we are. Which is worth remembering.
Some of the great places that I had the priviage of taking these photos were Down town Lebanon area, Lebanon PA (Union Canal Tunnel Hill Park), Annville PA (Quittie Nature park & LVC, Wagners Tree Farm), Womelsdorf PA (Conrad Weiser Homestead), Hershey PA (Founders Hall), Middletown PA, Cornwall PA (Iron Furnace Historic Site), Reading PA (Grings Mill Recreational Park), Fleetwood PA, Kutztown University, & Milford PA.